

(2018) Schooling and Travelling Communities: Exploring the Spaces of Educational Exclusions, Palgrave 

Book chapters:

(2023) Education for Sustainability: connecting students to outdoor learning via forest school. In M. Pulsford, R. Morris, and R. Purves (eds), Understanding Education Studies: Critical Issues and New Directions (pp. 88-95). Routledge. 

(2010) Educating the Outcast: policy and practice in the education of Gypsy Traveller children In L. Ang, J. Trushell, and P. Walker (eds), Learning, Teaching and Diversity: Interdisciplinary Tales from an Olympic City (pp. 27-47). Interdisciplinary Press (co-authored with Cudworth, E). 

Refereed journal articles:

(2023) Motivating the Learner: Developing Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness through Forest School Practice, (co-authored with Tymms, M). Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education.


(2021) Forest School and the Pathways to Nature Connection: Developing a sense of place in the promotion of health, well-being and pro-environmental attitudes. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 24, 71-85 (co-authored with Lumber, R). 

(2020) Promoting an emotional connection to nature via Forest School: Disrupting the spaces of neo-liberal performativity. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Special Issue) Towards a Critically Posthumanist Sociology. 41(3/4), 506-521. 

(2019) “It's a bit of freedom from home and cleaning all the time": Schooling, Gender Relations and Gypsy Communities in England. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 39(5/6),464-477. 

(2015) Schooling, Space and Social Justice, Power and Education Journal. 7(1), 73-89. 

(2009) The radical difference of nomadism – Inclusive education and the exclusions of Gypsy/Traveller children, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal. 4,(5), 243-254. 

(2008) “There is a little bit more than just delivering the stuff” – policy, pedagogy and the education of Gypsy/Traveller children’. Critical Social Policy, 12(3), 361-377. 

Other publications:

(2021) Moving through the Woods: Developing Children’s Connection and Appreciation of Nature, ICA Institute of Cultural Anthropology, Leiden University, Netherlands 


Morris, D., Cudworth, D., (2018) Anecdotal tales in pursuit of the elusive doctorate (a 6 Blog series). British Educational Research Association (BERA) [Online] 

Cudworth, D., (2021) Education for Sustainability: Connecting learners with nature. BERA [Online]  

Conference Papers:

Let’s go Outside: Disrupting the spaces of neo-liberal schooling, British Educational Research Association Annual conference (BERA) – Online, September 2021 

Let’s go Outside: Disrupting the spaces of neo-liberal schooling, British Education Studies Association Annual Conference (BESA) - Online, 24th June 2021

Wellbeing in the Woods: Forest School and the Pathways to Nature Connection, Biophilic Design of Schools for Children’s Health and Well-being, with Dr. Ryan Lumber, De Montfort University, 27th January 2021

Wellbeing in the woods: engaging self-determination theory with learning through Forest School, Online Education Research 

Webinar, with Dr. Mark Tymms, DeMontfort University, Leicester, November 18th 2020

Promoting a connection to nature and a sense of place through Forest School, Biophilic Design in Primary Schools: Impacts

on Children’s Well-being, at DeMontfort University, Leicester, online symposium, September 25th 2020

Freedom in the Woods: Forest School and Critical Pedagogy at the IX International Conference on Critical Education (ICCE) 

Naples, Italy, July 3rd-6th 2019

Frightened of Freedom: Reinventing Radical Education in the UK through Forest School Education, at the Anarchist Studies Network (ASN) conference, Loughborough University, September 2018

Forest School and the Pathways to Nature Connection, with Dr. Ryan Lumber (DMU) at the 4th Nature Connections 2018 Conference at the University of Derby, June 2018

Spaces of Exclusion: The Schooling experiences of Gypsy/Traveller children in England at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) annual conference – San Francisco, USA, April 2016

Contesting Cultures: Schooling and the Gender Norms of Gypsy/Traveller Life Ways in the UK at the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference (ISS) – Split, Croatia, June 2015

Schooling, Space and Equality at the British Educational Research Association annual conference (BERA) – Institute of Education, London, Sept 2014.

Schooling, Space and Social Justice at the Discourse, Power and Resistance (DPR) conference – Greenwich University, UK, April 2014

Reconfiguring the Spatial Construction of Schooling for Gypsy/Traveller Children at The International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) – Florence, Italy, June 2012. 

Strangers in Strange Places: The Othering of Gypsy and Traveller Children in Educational Spaces with Prof. Kalwant Bhopal (University of Southampton) at BERA Annual Conference – University of Warwick, September 2010.  

Policy, space and the education of Gypsy/Traveller and Roma children in Europe at the ECPR fifth Pan-European Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 2010.  

The radical difference of nomadism – Inclusive education and the exclusions of Gypsy/Traveller children in England, at the Fourth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Athens, Greece, July 2009.

Reflections on teacher’s stories of teaching Gypsy/Traveller children in mainstream classrooms at BERA annual conference, 3rd - 6th September 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.

“There is a little bit more than just delivering the stuff” – The education of Gypsy/Traveller children in English schools, at the International Institute of Sociology (ISS) 38th World Congress, Budapest, June 2008.

Does Every Child Matter? Social (in)justice and the education of Gypsy/Traveller children, at The Centre for Narrative Research (CNR) seventh annual Research Day for graduate students, University of East London, April, 2008.

Educating the outcast – reflections on teachers’ tales of teaching Gypsy and Traveller children, at British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference, University of East London, April 2007.